Zhejiang Kangte Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

category Advertising
phone 86-575-86332323

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address Address

No.2, Tiequanshan Road, Xinchang County, Shaoxing City, ZheJiangProvince, China

location Place : Shaoxing
city City : Shaoxing
state State : Zhejiang
country Country : China

atmail Email : info@zjkangte.com
web Website : https://www.zjkangte.com/

details Company details
The company adheres to the concept of "integrity, professionalism, efficiency and innovation" to serve customers, and constantly introduces products with higher technological content to provide customers. The company will, as always, position itself in "service technology, professionalism and efficiency, and achieve customers", and work hard to jointly shape the IVD industry and continuously improve the level of human health.
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