category Manufacturer
phone +91 95664 66668
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Nanganallur, Chennai - 600061.

location Place : Nanganallur
city City : Chennai
state State : Tamil Nadu
country Country : India

atmail Email : info@waterplantsindia.com
web Website : www.waterplantsindia.com

details Company details
Established in the year 2006, Water Care & Equipments is well-known for manufacturing and supplying all products related to water purification technology for both the commercial and industrial markets and water treatment plants in Chennai. Since the first day in the water treatment field, our focus is laid on facilitating total water management solutions. Ensuring the superior quality, we have serviced over 30 cities around the South India with a focus on desalination, water recycle and reuse, and zero liquid discharge (ZLD). Water Care & Equipments will seek to go through upgrading knowledge continuously, excellent product quality & services, responsible business approach, and 100% satisfaction to our clients, vendors, & employees.
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