Vitals AI - Live Safer and Healthier Lives

category Electronics Company
phone 6565996805

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50 Gambas Crescent

location Place : Gambas Crescent
city City : Singapore
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At Vitals AI Pte Ltd, our mission is simple yet profound: Live Safer and Healthier Lives. We are dedicated to harnessing the power of wearable technology to enhance the quality of life and promote healthy aging. In an ever-changing world, where health and well-being have taken center stage, we believe that self-monitoring is the key to not only understanding our current state but also to proactively preventing health issues. As the global landscape evolves, and pandemics become a part of our new normal, the ability to self-monitor is a critical skill for individuals, especially travelers, to navigate the world safely.
AI, Vitals Signs, blood pressure, heart rate, Sp02, breathing rate, temperature, COVID-19, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases
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