
category Home Care
phone 07588100055

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location Place : Hounslow
city City : Harrow Weald
state State : London
country Country : United Kingdom

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details Company details
Are you searching for the top quality service for Regular Cleaners in Hounslow? Look no further than Kleanmate, a reputable company based in Hounslow with 20 years of experience in the industry. Over the years, we have grown and diversified, earning a stellar reputation for our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. As we mark our two-decade milestone, our journey from inspiration to innovation has established us as a trusted name in the field. Our comprehensive services include end-of-tenancy cleaning, deep carpet cleaning, regular cleaning, move-in cleaning, and more. In addition to our cleaning services, we also offer removal services and house restorations, focusing on enhancing homes throughout the UK. If you need a reliable cleaning company, don't hesitate to give Kleanmate a call. For more detailed information, visit our website.
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