Delivery London Limited

category Business Solutions
phone +447923442941

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address Address

Central Ave, Hounslow TW3 2QL, United Kingdom

location Place : Woodlands
city City : London
state State : London
country Country : United Kingdom

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web Website : Visit

details Company details
Delivery London Limited is the best place if you are looking for Commercial Removals in Woodlands. The owner and lead driver, Cristi Rusu, has been working for more than seven years in the moving industry in the UK, holding a strong passion for customer service and commitment to customer satisfaction.Our team has worked previously on different moving platforms, and we gathered an extensive experience in this area.We decided to create our own company as we disagree with the over-the-top prices some platforms ask for. We believe in fair prices, and that’s why we are different.Our team comprises thoroughly trained professional staff and a passion for working with and for people. Visit us for more info.
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