BFT Hornsby

category Gym
phone 0403634729

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Suite 7A, 6/18 Bridge Road

location Place : Hornsby
city City : Henderson
state State : Auckland
country Country : Australia

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If you are looking for the Best Gym in Wahroonga, then contact BFT Hornsby. We’ve incorporated scientifically proven training techniques aimed at reducing fat and creating lean muscle into a variety of 50-minute training sessions that are overseen by highly accredited coaches in a dynamic group environment. High levels of visual content showcasing our programs are shown on multiple digital displays throughout the studio and allow our coaches to spend more time concentrating on our members! Imagine an engaging coach motivating you through each workout and a group of friends cheering you on. Imagine that each workout is fun, progressive, and a perfect mix of cardio and strength. Too good to be true? Nope.
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