category Cloth mill
phone 7405115111

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Sumel Business Park-II, B/H. Vanijya Bhavan, Kankaria Ahmedabad-380022, Gujarat, India.

Whats app : 7405115111
location Place : Kankaria Ahmedabad-3...
city City : Ahmedabad
state State : Gujarat
country Country : India

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details Company details
We are a leading manufacturer of wide-ranging “Men’s Bottom Wear Fabric” comprising a variety of premier fashioned textile, primarily based in Ahmedabad – The Manchester and Heritage city of India.

Our company is inclusive of merchandise ranging from 100% cotton, blended and printed fabrics, jacquards, linens, party wear fabrics, casual clothing fabric and more than what meets the eye. Presently, we are dealing with top-notched labels across India as well as several other international platforms.
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