Allstop Trading Catering Equipment

category Business Solutions
phone 0858117982

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124 Ashbourne Industrial Estate Ashbourne Industrial Estate

location Place : Ashbourne
city City : Ashbourne
state State : Meath
country Country : Ireland

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If you are looking for the Best Catering Equipment Hire in Meath, then contact Allstop Trading Catering Equipment. We have been trusted in the marketplace by providing the highest quality equipment and service at the best possible price. We hold substantial stocks of every item which can be viewed on-site in our warehouse. We provide same-day or next-day delivery anywhere in the country. We also have an experienced team of network technicians available on call. Our experienced staff offer a friendly and professional service that includes: * Sales * Spares & Servicing * Technical Service & Advice * Customised Stainless Steel Fabrication
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